Category Archives: Bee

The Interbellum: 1933

1933 proved to be a very easy year when it came to find houses built or displaying that year.

In 1933 Pope Pius XI declared a Jubilee: this is reflected in the first picture I am showing on this post. The text “Anno Sancto” is dispalyed next to the year 1933 in Roman numerals.

In the post I also include a picture of the detail of a façade of a house displaying a what I believe to be a bee queen with two attendants.

The reader will notice that there are pictures with details of a bench. This bench is a memorial to paint Maurice GUILBERT and is located in Uccle’s “Parc de Wolvendael”. The “logo” of the painter is also displayed in one of my posts on the year 1926.


More bees

I took this picture when exploring the side streets of the Avenue Louise in

Bees decorating an "art déco" façade nearby the Avenue Louise.

Bees decorating an "art déco" façade nearby the Avenue Louise.

Brussels. I don’t remember in which street was located the house with the bees. My recollection is that it is one of the streets at the right side, when heading towards place Stephanie and close to it.

It could be one of those: rue de la Concorde, rue du Président, rue Jean d’Ardenne, rue Souveraine or rue Mercelis.

I hope, in  a later post, to tell the exact location of the house.

By the way, the house (an apartment building) was built in “art déco” style.

Ah! before I forget. In a nearby street, rue Keyenveld, was born on 4 May 1929 the famous actress Audrey Hepburn .

 Bees decorating an “art déco” façade nearby the Avenue Louise.

Now insects: bees

Detail of a bee (forged iron) in a house at the Avenue de Tervuren in Brussels

Detail of a bee (forged iron) in a house at the Avenue de Tervuren in Brussels

This is a bee in a house in Laeken (Brussels)
This is a bee in a house in Laeken (Brussels)

I did warn you! Brussels’ houses are “populated” by a host of animals and beast.

You could think of a “bestiarium” (or “bestiary” in English) that is carved, painted or forged and that you can admire by simply strolling through the streets of Brussels.
In this posts I want to share with you a few bees that attracted my attention.
The bee that can be seen on top is from a house in the avenue de Tervuren designed by architect Dewin. I will show in a further post pictures of this house, which was built in 1912.